Water and Sewerage Projects

The department has executed infrastructure works for the water,and sewerage networks, and their operation and maintenanceas per the set-fourth plans for either the private sector or the public one.

The department is in charge of designing the plans and approving them from the competent bodies. The materials authorization and for use, samples testing, if necessary, are also done by the department in co-ordination with the concerned governmental party assigned by the  The water and sewerage networks and water

Supplying lines executed can by summarized by:

  1. Reinforcement of water and sewerage networks and water supplying lines.
  2. Replacing water and sewerage networks and water supplying lines.
  3. Executing all main networks intended to feed the water plans and connecting sewerage networks to the public outlets.
  4. Doing all works for supplying water to the households on the existing water lines.
  5. Connecting wills with the water supplying lines for feeding distillation plants and any other relevant works.
  6. Executing water supply lines of large diameters along with other related fittings.
  7. Doing all necessary works related to water and sewage including thrust boring.


1) Al-Daud Real Estate Company Al-Daud Water Project
2) Al-Salama&GabbahReal Estate Company Al-SalamaGabbah Water Project
3) Al-ZamilReal Estate Company Al-Zamil Water Project
4) Prince/Faizal Bin Turkey Prince Faizal Bin Turkey Water Project
5) YeiyahReal Estate Company Al-Yeiyah Storm Drainage Project
6) AlmabaniReal Estate Company Water Project for Building
7) National Guard National Guard Water Project
8) Water General Authority Scattered Lines for Water Project
9) Al-Rajhi Company Al-Rajhi Water Project
10) Al-Rajhi Company Al-Rajhi Sewage Project
11) FahadAl-Mogayel Son Company Al-Mogayel Water Project
12) FahadAl-Mogayel Son Company Al-Mogayel Sewage Project
13) International Companyfor the development ofindustrial cities Al-Karj Industrial City Water Project
14) YeiyahReal Estate Company Al-Yeiyah Water Project
15) Mohammad Alajaln Al-Oyayna Water Project
16) Dar-Al-ArkanReal Estate Company Nadeem Water Project
17) Dar-Al-ArkanReal Estate Company Al-Qassar Water Project
18) Dar-Al-ArkanReal Estate Company Al-Qassar Sewage Project
19) Al-Aessah Company Al-Aessah Water Project
20) Dar Al-TayarCompany Al-Karj (Dar Al-Tayar) Water Project
21) National Guard National Guard (Al-Kifah) Water Connections
22) Water General Authority Salboukh (Aziz Co.) Water Project
23) Water General Authority Salboukh Water Wells Project
24) Aljerssyalroittaalajaln Al-Yasmein Water Project
25) Bin Seedan Company Al-Taebah Water Project
26) ShebhAl-JazerahCompany Al-Shebh (Al-Jazerah) Water Project
27) Al-RashedCompany Al-Rashed Sewage Project
28) Al-Zamil Real Estate Company Gubeirah and Salehiyah Water Project
29) Al-Zamil Real Estate Company Gubeirah and Salehiyah Sewage Project
30) International Companyfor the development ofindustrial cities Al-Karj Water Connections (Sayari) Stage 1
31) International Companyfor the development ofindustrial cities Al-Karj Water Connections (Sayari) Stage 2
32) Alsultan Real Estate Company Sultan Water Main Connections
33) Prince / Naif Ben AblazeZ Arqah Water Project
34) Prince / Naif Ben AblazeZ Arqah Sewage Project
35) Water General Authority Valves Replacement Projects
36) Al-Zamil Real Estate Company Water Of AlalzamelIndustrial. city
37) Al-Zamil Real Estate Company Water& Sewage Of AlalzamelIndustrial city
38) Al-Zamil Real Estate Company Torrents Work Of AlalzamelIndustrial city
39) Al-Zamil Real Estate Company IrrigationWork Of AlalzamelIndustrial city
40) Water General Authority Executing water networks alzaher – alkharj – Riyadh
41) Water General Authority Executing water & Sewage alzaher – alkharj – Riyadh
42) BaitakReal Estate Company Taebah 4 Water Project
43) AldanatReal Estate Company Executing water networksAlsolai Region

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